
ProCigar Festival

Domincan Republic

The Procigar Festival was created by the Dominican Cigar Manufacturers (PROCIGAR).  An unforgettable experience in the cigar industry, combining educational opportunities, entertainment, and a large number of exclusives premium cigars. The event offers a circuit of simultaneous tours where guests can participate in guided visits to world’s  biggest and  most exclusive premium cigar factories and tobacco fields, as well as leisure tours that promote the Dominican Republic. Each day culminates with a grand dinner where more than 800 national and international guests gather to celebrate the Dominican Cigar. Check the schedule of events for the festival.

Tobacco Plus Expo (TPE) 2023

The Las Vegas Convention Center 3150 Paradise Rd., Las Vegas

The Largest Premium Cigar, Tobacco, Vapor, and Alternative Trade Show! Tobacco Plus Expo is the most engaging big premium tobacco, vapor, and alternative industry show of the year. TPE offers incredible opportunities for buyers, sellers, and distributors. Thousands of buyers - with budgets to spend - will be flocking to the show to restock their inventory. It's the ideal time to showcase products, new and old, and to get your wares a prime spot on store shelves. Register here.